AE, CC, RS, CS, DP… Is there a method to the madness? We explain how to decode a Champion Cooling System Radiator Part Number.
Project Windstorm: When Form Meets Function
Are you one of those enthusiasts who likes to make your entire build unique, or is it just the outside presentation? If you’re someone who likes to pop the hood at shows and cruise nights, then we speak the same language, and love the little details, as well.
Project Windstorm: Removing the Blower Pulley
Whether you’re coating the supercharger snout or changing the OE pulley, the first thing you need to do is remove the snout. The second thing you need to do is remove the pulley. There are lots of videos, but we went to Metco Motorsports for the solution.
Project Windstorm: Subtle Touches – Part 2
For part two, we address the mounting of the two information display screens that are provided with the Dakota Digital HDX Series instruments. Finding a mounting location was simple once we saw that Dakota Digital had several options.
Project Windstorm: Subtle Touches – Part 1
While we love the look of our classic Plymouth, there are some things that we wanted to change simply because they just had to be done. One of those things was our instrumentation: it was fine the way it was, we made it better.
Project Windstorm: It’s Time To Test Fit Parts – Part 1
Experience is everything, and sometimes that experience is gained from mistakes. We pulled from that experience decided to start test fitting parts now, so that our history won’t repeat itself when it comes time to lower this engine into the car.
Project Windstorm: Sorry, But We Have To Clean Our Cat
The Hellcat Redeye engine is home, and it’s time for some clean up to make it look like new. The before and after is a good showing of what some elbow grease and determination will do for you.
Project Windstorm: Our Belvedere is Getting Catty
The Rolling Stones sang, “You can’t always get what you want,” and while we get the meaning behind it, we didn’t expect it to happen to our engine build. So instead of crying over spilled milk, we went big, because we had already gone home and didn’t want to do that again.
When To Call It A Warranty, And When To Call It A Day
There’s more to your cooling system than just buying a new radiator. If you don’t maintain your cooling system and neglect the coolant, it might void your warranty.
If You’re Cold, They’re Cold – Let Them Warm Up?
The argument is old, but it still comes up every year: should I let my car warm up before I start driving it? We didn’t have a choice in the 1960s, but today’s EFI systems don’t need it.